Lazy or busy?

shh, your queen is speaking.

how weird is that picture? Oh well, it includes a pumpkin which is festive, and I am wearing a tiara which is good for this blog.

I know we haven’t spoken in a while and there is a lot to catch up on, but I kinda just want to speak of some current issues. For instance, I really can never sleep anymore. I know what is not the answer to this problem though, taking one of my dad’s sleeping pills, that’s what. I did this one time and I woke up to the question ” so why did you drop the salsa and just leave glass everywhere” opps.

Anyways, college. COLLEGE COLLEGE COLLEGE. Ugh, how our relationship is so damn unstable. The biggest challenge is truly balance, unfortunate for me I am such an uncoordinated girl. Am I lazy or just busy? I think its a little of both. Sorry if this blog is about nothing but I felt the need to do it for my readers that I have out there, like Austin’s mother who I seen in the mall the other day, shout out to my number one reader.

hmm.. Let’s show you some pics of my life and explain..

k so this is my blue dog wall in my room at the apartment. yes I like blue dog, obviously.

Coming to LSU I tried diets, and I just put the die in diets and let them do so.

candles have become a big part of my life, it’s an obsession. They just brighten up my life.

met a new friend, her name is Gabby. We are both obsessed with weddings, but she really went all out on this adventure and told this dress place she was really getting married. Fun day!

I got the iphone4 so I facetime now..

this is my crazy best friend, we built a tent in my living room like children. We have so much fun!


so this is the view I get on an average day. this is the view of me laying on a bench in the Quad in between classes.

now this is me in the quad enjoying life.

Now this is class. Tyler’s roommate’s gf left this for him. Gosh that mushy love just makes me sick!

Now this is the wonderful lady who helped me drop my class of hell. We became great friends.

I’ve been loving these convertibles.

shopping a little too much..

obsessing over gaga.

more and more FaceTime!

This is my roommate from Guatemala. She is amazing, her name is Maria!

This is Tyler’s first time getting drunk.

This is the meal I mad for us the morning after we went out..such a mom

evennn made cookies.

this is Grant being a good student.

and this is me being a nutritious student.


this is me living it up at my first game.

This is my parents being cheesy and coming visit me with boxes of random objects.

This is the partying getting to me. Standing on random BMW’s and whatnot.

awake on a game day with my game day buddies.

game day with my buddies again!

Letting the partying get the best of us again.

this was me yesterday being a child and falling in love with the unique pumpkin.

well I’m so sad to go, but I hope you have enjoyed this blog. A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders to do this and get you caught up somewhat.



Brittany Elizabeth( like the queen) Bourgeois!

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