killing a million birds with ONE blog

Wow, so guess what I did today?

I presented my seinor project! I really did so well! I’m giving my bling elephant ring the credit, the elephant’s trunk is up and that stands for good luck, but not only that, my Memaw was in love with elephants when she was alive and I know wearing the ring helped her be there with me and keep me as  calm as possible.

Let’s back up  my life time line a little bit, the weekend that just passed was my senior prom, and my “sister” Savanna and I thought it would be cool to get a spray tan for the first time ever. When the lady asked how dark I wanted to be I said, “PRETTY dark, just not orange” and Savanna said “dark, just not orange.” Well I came out a million shades darker by saying “pretty dark”, I litterally looked like an African American.. After the lady was finished spraying me I went to get dressed and she was like “oh honey, you can’t put your bra back on” So that was great news! I was really excited about waiting to pay in front of everyone without a bra and sitting in the waiting room looking like a brown cave woman while Savanna was getting sprayed for at least 20 minutes! THE BEST PART! I literally already was brown and then the lady so oh and prepare to darken with in the next 4 hours, oh thats WONDERFUL!

 so much in fact, that my mother made me put on an afro wig and hold a wooden watermelon. I know that I will extremely regret putting this picture up, but hey, anything for my readers.

Alright,  so to make the contrast even bigger I got my teeth whitened!

This was my sister and I at prom.

The Monday after prom, we had senior skip day! That was so fun! My tan was kind of worn off by this time, and I was mixed instead of black. This is my husband and I going down the slip-n-slide. I’m going to miss him, he’s leaving for disney world tomorow!

Guess what? I graduate in exactly one month from today! Look at the picture that I turned in for senior baby pictures, what can I say, I stayed the same. Messy.


Brittany Elizabeth (like the queen) Bourgeois!

p.s. look who caught a fish like two weekends back 🙂

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One response to “killing a million birds with ONE blog

  1. tasha

    omg. i love elephants but I can never buy stuff with them because the trunk is always down. : )

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