Tag Archives: republic

hi March 6th

Wow, so I’ve been running around like a crazy person today.

Let’s talk about lastnight. We went to Republic and The Real World of New Orleans is being filmed right now, and so the cast was at republic too. heres some pics. The girl is on it, but I dont think that boy was.

then this was one of t he boys on stage:

Well I woke up, went home, then Grant and I left to go to walmart to print pictures for my girlscout gold award. I’ve been working hard on these pictures, like I’ve even had to run around on bg road and take pics of cows and stuff.

The cashier at walmart probably thought I was on crack because I’ve been so scatter brained today and in the middle of the receipt printing I like ripped it out, I guess because I’m used to ripping out the receipt since I work at rue21, lol.

Now I have to get ready for work, Sorry today’s blog was so boring, tomorow I’ll tell you how my Gold Award came out.


Brittany Elizabeth (like the queen) Bourgeois

p.s Grant, hurry dear, your Salad might melt.

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